Award 4th Azemmour , Belgrade 2016

Le 20/06/2022

4th azemmour belgrade 20164th-azemmour-belgrade-2016.pdf (135.5 Ko)

Definition of the imposed theme : The Rope.

In a first phase,a white figure of same nature A and a black figure of same nature B play all moves of a solution I. In a second phase,a white figure of same nature than B and a black figure of same nature than A play all moves of the solution II.

The idea may be cyclic. No promotions.

Le niveau était excellent.

Logo azemmour

Participants : 63 problems.

Abdurahmanovic Fadil:5,12*,13*,25*,26*,27*,28*,31 ; Antipin Ivan:34 ; Bakani Mustapha:60 ;Bulavka Alexandre:52 ; Chumakov Gennady:12*,13* ,25*,26*,27*,28* ;Harkola Hannu:39,40 ;Janevski Zivko:9 ;Klemanic Emil:35 ;Kraetschmer Ralf:20,36* ;Krizhanivsky Vasil:41,42 ;Kuhn Rainer:3,4 ;Lind Ingemar:54,55,56 ;Luce Sébastien:1 ; Manolas Emmanuel:32,46 ;Mcdowell Michael:53 ;Medintsev Vitaly:33 ;Navon Emanuel:15,16,17,18,19* ; Pachl Franz:30,36*,45 ; Pankratiev Alexandre:57,58 ;Petkov Petko :63 ; Prentos Kostas:10,11 ;Riva Rodolfo:49,50,51 ;Rotenberg Jacques:21,47,48 ;Semenenko Alexandre:43,44* ;Semenenko Valery:44* ; Serafimovic Ilija:59 ;Shapiro Michael:37,38 ;Shorokhov Boris:14 ;Stolev Nikola:29 ;Tritten Pierre: 2 ;Vieira Ricardo:62  ;Witztum Menachem:6,7,8,19*,23,24  et Zamanov Vidadi:22.

Judge : Abdelaziz Onkoud ,

Belgrade 04 August 2016

